Focusing on the theme "Clean--Lean--Green," ICE 2007,which will be held in Toronto Oct. 3-5 at the Metro Toronto ConventionCentre, combines a variety of educational programs with the largestNorth American exhibition of raw materials, equipment and services forthe coatings manufacturing industry.
At ICE 2007, the Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology(FSCT) will offer a wide array of educational opportunities designed toassist attendees in finding solutions to today's coatingschallenges.
FSCT will host a series of preshow short courses. Among the one-dayshort courses that will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 2, will be a new courseon "Coatings for Automotive OEM." The ocus of the course willbe on the new technology trends, drivers and challenges that faceformulators and their suppliers. Topics to be covered include thefundamentals of coatings for automotive OEM applications, challenges formeeting new performance requirements, and the issues that impact productdevelopment. Global aspects of formulating for automotive OEMapplications will be addressed, as well as technology trends andregulatory issues.
Other presentations scheduled include "OEM Paint Chemistry andProcesses: e-coat, Primer-Surfacers"--Tom Hockswender, PPG;"OEM Paint Chemistry and Processes: Basecoat,Clearcoat"--Monica Verma, Consultant; "Coatings forPlastics"--Phil Yaneff, DuPont; "UV Protection"--JimDelaney, Ciba; "Paint Application Issues and Solutions"--EinarEndregaard, Duur; and "Regulatory Drivers"--Tim Weingartz,Ford.
To help companies prepare for the impact of REACH legislation, theFSCT has developed a technical session to be offered during ICE 2007.Scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 4, the one-day program will encompasspresentations from all areas of the industry, and will provideinformation for raw material suppliers, formulators and downstreamusers.
This major technical conference, introduced last year by FSCT,examines the innovative methodologies and applications shaping thefuture of the coatings industry. This program features tracks withsessions ranging from green chemistry, formulations, pigments,waterborne, clearcoats and pretreatments. General interest sessions willexamine topics such as corrosion, nanotechnology, weathering andinstrumentation.
Wednesday show hours (12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m.) will be devotedentirely to the exhibits. For the first time, there will be no technicalpresentations or short courses taking place during this time.
The number one requested addition to ICE is The New ProductsShowcase, which offers the opportunity to view products and servicesthat have recently been introduced by exhibitors.
Also new this year is the Student Welcoming Committee, designed tointroduce students attending ICE to different aspects of the coatingsindustry.
Oct. 3-12:00 noon-5:00 p.m.
Oct. 4-9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Oct. 5-9:00 a.m.--12:00 noon
The following companies are exhibiting at ICE 2007 in Toronto. Hereis a look at what they have planned at their booth and theproducts/services they will be promoting.
20 Microns Ltd. Booth: 1004
20 Microns is India's largest producer of white minerals Industry Coatings withan annual output of over 2,00,000 tons having advanced productiontechniques with strong a background in research and development andadvanced quality control to produce minerals of the highest standard andconsistent quality. The company has its headquarters at Vadodara,Gujarat, India. 20 Microns supplies globally to a diversity ofindustries including plastics, paint, paper, printing inks, powdercoatings, ceramic, rubber, adhesives, sealant, cement and concrete. Thecompany has its own captive mines to provide various products like aolin(hydrous and calcined), talc, baryte, mica and carbonates. The companyhas also started manufacturing synthetic products like barium sulphate,aluminum silicate, series of wax, matting agent and mineral-basedthickener.
ACT Test Panels, Inc. Booth: 1007
ACT Test Panels, Inc. offers a wide range of products including ACTCertified Test Panels; utility grade TRU Panels; appearance panelsincluding color, orange peel and powder smoothness standards; andcorrosion supplies for laboratories. In addition, ACT offerscompatibility testing services for manufacturers of adhesives, sealants,stamping fluids and mill oils to assess effect on phosphate, e-coat andpaint processes.
Arkema, Inc. Booth: 422
Arkema Inc. will display Orgasol ultra-fine polyamide powders.Coatings containing Orgasol powders exhibit excellent abrasion andscratch resistance. Orgasol is also used to impart surface texturingeffects (including soft feel), gloss control and antiblocking effects(control of friction coefficient and dry lubricant effect).
BatchMaster Software. Booth: 709
BatchMaster Software, Inc. has provided manufacturing softwaredesigned for process-batch manufacturers for over two decades with morethan 1,500 installations worldwide. BatchMaster's customers are inevery formula or recipe-based business, including the paint, ink andcoating industries. Some of the key benefits of using BatchMaster ERPinclude keeping accurate inventory, lot traceability recall, regulatorycompliance and just-in-time manufacturing resulting in lower productioncosts and improved customer service. Flexible, easy to learn and use,and scalable to grow with a process-batch manufacturing business, theBatchMaster team consists of over 100 professionals, bringing on goinginnovation to product offerings.
Brenntag North Ameica. Booth: 521
"Global logistics with local solutions." Brenntag is aglobal chemical distributor that offers specialty raw materials for thecoatings, graphic arts, adhesives and ink markets. Our strength isproviding high performance products combined with superior service andexperienced technical support for the most difficult formulationchallenges. Please visit our ICE exhibit to see our full line ofspecialty resins and coatings additives, with an emphasis on acrylics,silicones, polyesters, fumed silica, urethanes and UV additives.
Burgess Pigment Co. Booth: 621
Burgess specialty Thermo-Optic OPTIWHITE kaolin clay seriesfeaturing customer savings and "true internal wet hiding"visually demonstrated with exterior and interior formulations will beexhibited. Also to be featured are Burgess hydrous kaolin clay productsoffering improved incorporation and performance advantages in trade andindustrial primers and topcoats. Specific exterior exposure panels fromthe Burgess expanded test fence facility will be available.
CEM Corporation. Booth: 522
CEM Corporation, a leading global manufacturer of microwavelaboratory instrumentation, provides solutions in compositional testingfor the coatings industry. We will be introducing the new Teflon Spray Coating SAM-255Microwave Drying System at ICE 2007. The SAM-255 with IntelliTempInfrared Temperature Control provides rapid color matching with 5-minutedraw down drying, reducing drying times from hours to minutes withconstant reproducible results. The Smart System Moisture-Solids Analyzerprovides accurate results for high-, medium- and low-moisture samples inminutes.
Cleveland Steel Container. Booth: 1621
Cleveland Steel Container (CSC) offers various styles of steelpails including open head nested, open head straight sided and tighthead with sizes ranging from 2.5 gallons to 7.5 gallons. We offerunregulated steel pails for shipping hazardous materials andnon-regulated steel pails. CSC serves nationwide and ships throughoutthe U.S. from five manufacturing facilities: Niles OH; Quakertown, PA;Peotone, IL; Oakland, CA; and Kilgore, TX.
Coatings World Magazine. Booth: 1104
Coatings Worm is published 12 times per year and is road by over17,000 technical formulators, managers and marketing directors atcoatings manufacturers worldwide. Our staff of editors andcorrespondents, based in Asia, Europe, and the Americas, provide themost global information available on the U.S. $80+ billion coatingsindustry. Please stop by our booth for a complimentary issue as well asa special free subscription offer for show attendees.
Cognis Corp. Booth: 1311
Cognis is a leading worldwide supplier of specialty surfactants,additives, and rosins designed for applications in consumer coatings,industrial, and adhesives applications. Cognis utilizes a wide range oftechnology platforms in helping its customers find technical solutionsto ever changing regulations, while using high performance materialswhich are solvent-free, APEO-free and heavy metal-free, including butnot limited to: theology modifiers, defoamers, coalescents, dispersants,surfactants, epoxy curing agents, acrylic polyols, monomers, andoligomers. Innovative technological developments in coatings additivesand rosins primarily based on renewable resources and environmentallyfriendly materials are the focus of Cognis' new products displayedat ICE 2007. At Cognis, we have the know-how and formulation expertiseto co-develop the best cost effective, high performance, market-orientedsolutions for our customers and development partners. Stop by booth#1311 and learn about the benefits of partnering with Cognis.
Columbia Machine, Inc. Booth: 1506
Stop by booth 1506 to find the palletizing solution that will meetyour needs. Columbia Machine manufacturers a complete line offloor-level, high-level and robotic palletizing solutions that arecapable of stacking cases, trays, pails, bags and more. In addition topalletizing equipment, Columbia manufactures a complete line of loadtransfer systems that optimize facilities/ lift truck productivity byefficiently interchanging pallet load base types.
Croda Uniqema, Inc. (formerly ICI Uniqema). Booth: 1113
Croda Uniqema, a global supplier of specialty chemicals, has abroad portfolio of surfactants, dispersants, emulsifiers, buildingblocks and oleochemicals for coatings applications. Croda Uniqemaenables customers to meet current challenges by providing a range ofeffects and applications, innovative products, applications expertise,technical support and a reliable, flexible supply network. Featuredproducts include nonmigratory surfactant solutions for waterborneformulatious that achieve zero-VOC with comparable performance tosolvent-based coatings. Visit us at Booth 1113 at ICE 2007 in Toronto tolearn more.
DeFelsko Corp. Booth: 1514
U.S. manufacturer of coating thickness gages and inspectioninstruments including the PosiTector 6000, PosiTest DFT and the newPosiTector 200 series of coating thickness gages. The simple, durableand accurate PosiTector 6000 Series and PosiTest DFT are ideal formeasuring coating thickness on all metal substrates while the PosiTector200 series uses ultrasonic technology to easily and accurately measurecoatings on non-metals including wood, concrete and more. Also featuredare the Digital PosiTest Adhesion Tester, PosiTector Dew Point Meter tomeasure and record climatic parameters and the PosiTector UltrasonicThickness Gage ideal for measuring remaining wall thickness.
Degussa Corp. Booth: 1601
Degussa's showcase of paint and coatings ingredients includesAEROSIL fumed silicas and specialty oxides, designed for controllingrheology and improving scratch resistance as well as pigment suspension;ACEMATT matting agents, whose superior quality and high mattingefficiency ensure superior formulations for all coating types; and INXELpigment preparations, the next generation of easy to disperse granularpigments.
Draiswerke, Inc. Booth: 527
The new Drais NanoStar Media Mill is specifically designed toproduce nano-materials previously unattainable. The highly efficientenergy utilization during nano-grinding via the use of ultra-smallgrinding media (down to 20 micron), superior product temperaturecontrol, and the elimination of metal contamination are some of the keyfeatures of the new NanoStar. Various sizes are available with linearmill scale-up based on power consumption.
Eastern Michigan University. Booth: 224
The Polymer and Coatings program at Eastern Michigan Universityprovides Corilon degrees in polymer and coatings technology at the B.S. and M.S.levels. The College of Technology (COT) provides a Ph.D. in Technologywhich can have a concentration in Coatings Technology. The CoatingsResearch Institute (CRI) in COT provides research and developmentservices, testing, consultation, and training through relevant shortcourses to the industry. The CRI also sponsors a yearly symposium onSmart Coatings.
Everlight USA, Inc. Booth: 1330
Everlight USA Inc. is a subsidiary of Everlight Chemical IndustrialCorporation, a leading manufacturer of specialty chemicals and UVstabilizers in Taipei, Taiwan. Founded in 1972, Everlight is the secondlargest producer of benzotriazoles in the world and offers a completeline of benzophenones and hindered amine light stabilizers as well. Thehigh quality Eversorbs are used in plastic, paint and coatingapplications, and provide enhanced resistance against physicaldegradation and discoloration caused by ultraviolet light. Everlight isISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified since 1996. Everlight USA covers all ofthe Americas and ships from its warehouses in Charlotte, NC. With thehigh quality of its products, its outstanding application know-how andit's excellent customer service, Everlight has become a supplier tomany major manufacturing companies. We offer solutions at competitiveprices. This exhibit will be used to make the Canadian market familiarwith our products which are sold through Canadian Color & Chemicals,Ltd.
Graphic Technology, Inc. Booth: 1411
Graphic Technology, Inc. (GTI) will exhibit the GTI ColorMatcherSeries of premier critical color inspection systems. Available in threesizes, features include five light sources, automatic light sourcesequencing and the GTI ColorGuard II timing center. For smaller samplesizes, the GTI MiniMatcher viewing systems for critical color inspectionand color matching will be on display, along with the PDV-2e/M portablemultisource viewing system.
Hockmeyer Equipment. Booth: 1021
Providing process solutions around the world. Hockmeyer EquipmentCorp. is a leading supplier of grinding, dispersion and processequipment satisfying the needs of the cosmetics, paint, ink, coatingsand adhesives industries. Our team of support professionals along withengineering services, maintenance management and laboratory testing willassure a dosed loop system for your product processing needs.
ICE Show Daily. Booth: 1104
The ICE Show Daily is a live newspaper that is published by RodmanPublishing. It is printed each day and distributed at the ICE Show. Anelectronic version is delivered to thousands of coatings readersworldwide each day as well.
Imerys. Booth: 902
Imerys is the premier global supplier of mineral additives to thecoatings industry. Our product portfolio features ground andprecipitated calcium carbonates, feldspar, mica and a line ofwater-washed, delaminated and calcined kaolins. As the leading mineralsupplier to the coatings industry, our technical teams are constantlydeveloping materials to meet the needs of the marketplace, includingenvironmentally responsible materials to meet today's challenges.Demonstrations will be available of our new customer-oriented,product-focused website to aid formulators.
Infratrol Manufacturing. Booth: 1602
Infratrol Manufacturing is introducing the EcoFlex line of energyefficient, low emission, modular mini-powder coating paint systems.EcoFlex powder systems are designed with lean manufacturing in mind bybeing the first modular powder system that can be installed, expanded oreven relocated over a weekend. A wide variety of configurations areavailable with a footprint small enough to fit virtually any productionarea. An electrically heated EcoFlex line has very low energyconsumption for huge savings over standard direct-fired gas systems.Line speeds from 4fpm to 13fpm per minute with many options available.EcoFlex ... Think Lean...Think Green.
Inline Services, Inc. Booth: 511
Inline Services, Hiltap Fittings specializes in complete solutionsto product recovery pigging systems for paint and related products.Pigging systems are used for product displacement, batching and linecleaning in process plants. Equipment to launch, receive and monitorpigs will be displayed as well as piggable manifolds and LQC safetyconnectors. In addition to a full line of pigging equipment, feasibilitystudies, engineering and turnkey services are provided.
Ink World Magazine Booth: 1104
Ink World is the largest monthly trade magazine in the worldcovering the US $14+ billion global printing ink industry, reaching over6,000 subscribers worldwide. Ink World's editors and correspondentsprovide extensive and accurate reporting with incisive articles on thecompanies, the people, and the trends in the global printing inkindustry. Please stop by our booth for a complimentary issue as well asa special free subscription offer for show attendees.
ISP Booth: 1012
International Specialty Products (ISP) is highlighting its patentedand cost-efficient IPBC water-based fungicide/algaecide, FUNGITROL 920,for the protection of coating films against defacement by molds/algae,and its patented BIT water-based NUOSEPT 498 for in-can preservation. Inaddition, new multi-active, broad-spectrum combination industrialbiocides, NUOSEPT W and NUOSEPT BMC 422, are being introduced asbroad-spectrum in-can preservatives. All four products are members ofISP's CLEANGUARD family of "green" biocides, fungicides,and algaecides.
Kenrich Petrochemicals Booth: 701
Ken-React titanates, zirconates and aluminates bend, catalyze andphosphatize forming 1.5-nanometer, atomic, monolayers on pigments,extenders and polymers in waterborne, high solids and powder coatingsystems to benefit adhesion, viscosity, dispersion, anticorrosion, flameretardance, antiaging, acid-resistance, hydrophobicity, anti-tanninstaining, gloss, reverse impact, mandrel bend and nanoparticleexfoliation. New Ken-React hybrid titanates include QB 046 for waterphase nanoexfoliation and CP-03 for MEKP unsaturated polyesterbubble-free gel coats. Ken-Stat antistatic agents are transparent,permanent, non-blooming and non-moisture dependent. Kenplast productsare nonreactive and reactive diluents.
King Industries Booth: 622
King will be offering "extreme formula makeovers" in theform of technical information on all of the company's highperformance additives including: NACURE and K-CURE Catalysts for aminothermoset system; K-KAT Catalysts for urethanes and cast elastomers;NACURE Super Catalysts for epoxies, K-FLEX Resin Modifiers; K-SPERSEDispersants; NACORR Rust and Corrosion Inhibitors; as well as DISPARLONThixotropes and Surface Control Additives.
KW Container Booth: 512
KW Container, the world's largest producer of plastic gallon,quart, pint and half-pint paint containers presents a new all-plasticcontainer featuring a patented closure system and proprietary surfacetreatment for unrivaled performance, quality and technology. Go"green" with KW and save. The container is made from 100%recycled material that is 100% recyclable, and KW Container--anaffiliate of KW Plastics--is providing assistance to its customers inestablishing sustainable closed loop container programs tailored totheir specific needs. The all-plastic container is currently availablein gallon and quart capacities.
Lanxess Corp Booth: 1612
Visit ICE Booth 1612 to find out how Lanxess Corporation'sMaterial Protection Products business unit can be your solutionsprovider. We recognize the increasing need for green chemistries andsystems. We offer VOC-free and low-VOC biocides and preservatives forin-can and dry-film applications. We provide microbiological andanalytical services. We have regulatory experts, and a nationwide sales,distribution and customer service network. Visit also offers paint additives, modifiers and solvent-free pigmentpreparations for use in low-VOC or VOC-free systems.
Lubrizol Advanced Materials (formerlay Noveon, Inc.) Booth: 1112
Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. supplies a comprehensiveportfolio of products for use in paints and coatings applications. Ourcomplete line includes resins and polymers, acrylic emulsions,polyurethane dispersion, solution acrylics, and vinylchloride resins, aswell as specialty additives--including surface modifiers,hyperdispersants, rheology control agents, and flow promoters--that helpenhance product performance.
Lubrizol products are used in paints and coatings for plastics,architectural, wood, and metal surfaces, and are backed with a globalservice and support network that is unmatched in the industry.
Mar-Kov Computer Systems. Booth: 623
Mar-Kov CMS (Chemical Management System) is a complete modular ERPsoftware solution for paint and coatings manufacturers. Mar-Kov CMSprovides cutting edge manufacturing execution, bar-coded lot/containerinventory control, formula development and costing, quality control andtesting, and much more. Mar-Kov's systems are specifically designedfor chemical manufacturers in the paint industry, with features such asintegrated scales, MSDS/COA management, automated VOC calculations,electronic quarantine of materials to be tested, equipment cleaning andtotal traceability throughout.
Micro Powders. Booth: 1522
Micro Powders will exhibit its specialty line of micronized waxadditives. Some new product technologies will include PropylFluo 824, anexceptional PP/PTFE combination wax for burnish resistance and glosscontrol. Others include the AquaTex series, which are micronizedhigh-density polyolefins that provide a unique texture effect forwaterborne systems, and the MicrospeX series, which provides alightweight aggregate appearance in concrete coatings. For moreinformation visit or call 914.793.4058.
Morehouse Cowles Booth: 1304
Morehouse Cowles is the leading designer and manufacturer ofvertical-shaft milling, dissolver and disperser equipment and impellerblades. A true partner during every step of the process,MorehouseCowles' innovative engineering and support teams workclosely with each customer to develop and implement customized equipmentand technology.
Myers Engineering Booth 1122
Myers Engineering Inc. has been supplying mixing equipment to anextended line of loyal customers for well over sixty years. Calling onthose years and assuring the correct staff members are part of our team,we are assisting that family of customers in stream lining processes forefficiency, profitability and safety.
It would be our pleasure to brainstorm with you to look into thecoming years for upgrades and improvements that will help you reach yourproduction goals.
We are supporting our industry and will be in Toronto withenthusiasm. Our booth will be simple but our commitments to ourcustomers will be robust.
Nichem Booth: 413
Nichem manufactures acid catalysts that are p-TSA and DDBSA-based,blocked and not blocked. Nichem manufactures a line ofanticorrives(chromates and chrome-free). Nichem also offers tollprossing.
Premier Mill, An SPX Process Equipment Operation Booth: 1413
As a brand of SPX Process Equipment, Premier Mill is known globallyas a leading manufacturer of milling, mixing and dispersion equipmentfor specialty process applications. Examples of machinery, spare partsand improved technologies to meet industry demand will be on display.Our commitment has resulted in the development of a long list of productimprovements necessary to keep customers on the leading edge oftechnology. Visit us at Booth #1413.
Q-Lab Corp Booth: 1011
Will your products last outdoors? Don't guess when you cantest. Q-Lab is the global provider of Q-Panel brand test substrates andweathering equipment and services. The fullspectrum Q-Sun is anaffordable xenon test chamber. The QUV is the world's most widelyused weathering tester. The QUV, Q-Sun, Q-Fog and Q-Lab Florida outdoorweathering exposures are used to improve the weatherability andcorrosion resistance of products for industrial, commercial and consumermarkets.
Quick Blades, Inc Booth: 1008
It's time to change your blade! Quickblades, Inc. standard SawTooth, Turbo Blade or revolutionary Turbo/Pump blade will make shortwork of your dispersion needs. We provide quality replacement dispersionblades at competitive prices. With Tungsten Carbide or our newestArmacor coating for abrasion resistance or PTFE for ease of cleaning, weoffer varieties of coatings for every need. Come to Booth #1008 to entera drawing for a free dispersion blade and also take 10% off the listprice of any blade order placed at the ICE show. Please contact us or visit our website at
Rio Tinto Minerals Booth: 1301
Rio Tinto Minerals will showcase talc, chlorite and berate productsthat are engineered for improved performance in many types of paints andcoatings. Rio Tinto Minerals will highlight the expanded Vertal productline which is a unique, platy and low binder demand mineral pigment thatis an excellent choice for low-VOC architectural paints and primers. Forindustrial paints and primers, Rio Tinto Minerals engineered talcproducts function as anti-corrosive pigments and reduce filmpermeability while improving coating rheology. Please stop byLuzenac's exhibit at ICE 2007 to learn more about the benefits ofRio Tinto Minerals in paints and coatings.
Sinochem Jiangsu Booth: 309
Sinochem Jiangsu is the key chemical subsidiary of SinochemCorporation, a "Fortune Global 500" company. The ChemicalsDivision of Sinochem Jiangsu plays an important role in the fields ofsemi-finished/auxiliary products, coating raw materials, variousintermediates, metal salts and oxide with a total turnover of more than$1 billion dollars during the past three decades.
Troy Corp Booth: 504
Troy Corporation's zero-VOC products and solutions help globalcoating manufacturers to not only solve problems, but meet or exceedstringent safety and environmental standards. Troy products help coatingmanufacturers formulate "green," high quality, aqueouscoatings with low or no VOC that exhibit better performance thantraditional products. Troy zero-VOC products include dry filmpreservatives Polyphase 663 and 678, incan preservatives Mergal K10N and399, and the wetting agent TroysolTM ZLAC. Visit Troy at Booth #504 orat for more information.
United Soybean Board Booth: 1125
The United Soybean Board (USB) is a farmer-funded organizationworking with industry, academia and government to commercialize stable,waterborne architectural coatings; high performance VOC-free coatingsfor industrial applications; soy polyols for polyurethane coatings; newUV/EB-cured printing inks and coatings; and powder coatings. The USBrepresents over 600,000 U.S. soybean farmers.
Worlee Chemie GmbH Booth: 1213
Worlee-Chemie GmbH presents at booth 1213, together with itsAmerican agents and distributors a full range of environmentallyfriendly resins and additives. For example, the water-based alkydemulsions WorleeSol E, which do not contain any emulsifiers. Therefore,paints and lacquers based on this resins have a very good and earlywater resistance, they are fast drying and have a high gloss and a goodadhesion to a variety of surfaces. The additives WorleeAdd, improvesurface wetting, slip, anti blocking, mar resistance, adhesion orprevent flash rust and foam.
X-Rite Corp Booth: 608
From municipal infrastructure to classic architecture, paints andcoatings illuminate, preserve and protect. Globalization is producing aconsolidated approach to product development and application that alsodemands an equal response in color measurement. X-Rite offers solutionswhich connect color accurately throughout the entire process, ultimatelyreducing costs through product scrap, production downtime, off-colorproduct shipments and rework. We offer tools at every step including,non-contact in-line solutions, portable instruments, benchtopinstruments, software applications and visual products.
COPYRIGHT 2007 Rodman PublishingNo portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder.Copyright 2007 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.