My first shop was a one-car garage. What space I had was filled with tools that were absolutely necessary to make furniture. That left out a dust collector and a finishing room. As a result, getting dust-free finishes was frustrating. Brushing on shellac and varnish worked fine for small projects, Ceramic Coating but as I took on bigger jobs and built more pieces, I turned to wipe-on oils because they weren't as fussy to use. Eventually, I needed more durable finishes that didn't take long to apply.
A spray system was the answer. Spraying on finish is fast and easy. You can get into places where brushes and rags are useless. Spray finishes look superb, too. The coating is more uniform and the finish between pieces is more consistent. But once I was committed to changing to spray finishes, I knew I had some research to do.
Spray Systems and Finishes are Better Now
The variety of spray systems has increased dramatically over the years. Manufacturers have introduced small, inexpensive units that are ideal for hobbyists and small shops. Also, there have been many improvements in high-volume, low-pressure spray systems, particularly in terms of transfer efficiency.
Brush-On and Wipe-On Finishes are Slow and Exacting
In mu furniture business, I brushed on varnishes for only a short time. Varnish was just too slow to brush and too slow to dry. And I needed excellent lighting to brush, sand, and rub out the varnish. I did stick with wipe-on oils for a while. Oil didn't require any special equipment, Best Non Stick Coating and I could oil in less-than-ideal conditions. I wasn't building up a thick surface film, so I worried less about dust and lint getting trapped in the film.
Any Spraying Disadvantage Can Be Overcome
As attractive as spray finishing is, it does have a few weaknesses. Setting up a safe, efficient system takes up shop space and costs money. Besides a gun, you will need a source of air, hoses, filters, and connectors. Because spraying releases finish mist into the air, you will also need a spray area that has fresh-air circulation. If you spray solvent-based finishes, you'll need to check with your local building inspector before you set up a booth. But if you spray water-based products exclusively, you won't need explosion-proof fans and fixtures.
Finally, keeping your spray gun clean is critical. Although cleaning does involve some effort and time, it doesn't take any longer to clean a spray gun than it does a brush.
Ultimately, Spraying Reduces Finishing Costs
Although some of the finish does get wasted through overspray, you can still lower your material costs. I've had to reject far fewer pieces that I've sprayed than those that were finished by brush or rag. Water Based Coatings And spraying saves labor costs. In the first month, I more than offset the initial expense of the equipment. Now my business couldn't survive without a spray system.
Published byArthur Piper