Photo Caption See your doctor if dry mouth problems are Ceramic Coating persistent.Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty ImagesA dry roof of the mouth is more than an inconvenience. It can cause major discomfort and even prevent you from completing your regular daily tasks. A dry mouth -- including a dry roof of the mouth -- can also lead to more serious complications. For that reason, it's important to speak with your doctor if you have any ongoing dry mouth problems. Your doctor can provide you with proper treatment and medications to correct the problem and prevent it from recurring.
CausesThe dryness on the roof of your mouth can be caused by a variety of factors. Some triggers include relatively mild problems such as dehydration or side effects of Teflon Coating medications, and can be treated easily. Common medications that cause dry mouth include diuretics, antihistamines and decongestants, according to the University of Michigan Health System.