

Product Review Kuhn Rikon Nonstick Santoku Knife

The Kuhn Rikon Santoku "Wave" Knife is a great and handy all around kitchen knife that has the added feature of a nonstick coating to aid in ease of preparation.Ease of Use/Performance: 23/25Convenience/Storage 24/25Appearance/Design 22/25How much I enjoy 21/25
Total: 90/100
The Kuhn Rikon Santoku "Wave" Knife is a nonstick 6 inch bladed knife that is 10 1/2 inches overall and coated with a nonstick coating for easy use. The handle of the Santoku is form fitted for a secure grip and the knife comes razor sharp for great cutting and slicing.
The blade of the Santoku is coated with a nonstick coating, I'm not sure if it's Teflon, and comes with a razor sharp edge but you can easily sharpen it once it becomes dull. Non Stick Coating Spray The Santoku "Wave" also comes with a plastic sheath that is very handy to use with the knife if you don't use a knife block for storing the knife in a drawer.
I found the knife and it's sheath very handy for meal preparation and all around kitchen use in cutting, slicing, and all those choirs in the kitchen for food. Cutting harder vegetables like carrots was easy and the nonstick coating gives choirs like onions and even cheese an ease for not having things stick to the blade.
The six holes on the blade also aid in helping food not sticking to the blade while using and the blade holds an edge very well for a great knife. The sheath also aids in keeping that fine edge but when it does dull you can easily sharpen it with a kitchen knife sharpener.
I received two new sharpeners from Smith's and will be reviewing those soon but first I tried them both on the the Kuhn Rikon Santoku. Teflon Coatings I really did not need to sharpen the blade but wanted to check out how easy and how well the blade sharpens so after checking out the razor edge upon receiving the blade I sharpened it.
I used the Santoku for a couple of weeks and the blade really does come razor sharp, you can shave hairs off your arm with it when you receive it and sharpening it with a Santoku sharpener or a steel works equally well. I had no problems using both a sharpener that is specially angled for these knives as well as a steel and after some practice I can get a razor edge on the blade again.
The Kuhn Rikon Santoku "Wave" is a great inexpensive kitchen knife that works very well as a food preparation and all around kitchen knife for the chef of the family. The Santoku "Wave" from Kuhn Rikon may not be the higher costing knife but it is a great all around knife for meat slicing like trimming those steaks and chops.
I found the sheath worked great for a way to Ceramic Coatings keep the blade sharp and not have problems if you do not have a block to keep the knife in. I simply keep the sheath handy when using the blade, clean it off after using it and slide the plastic cover on the blade before tossing it in a drawer.
I highly recommend the Kuhn Rikon Santoku "Wave" for a great versatile general purpose kitchen knife available at many kitchen stores and on the internet for about $20.
DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL CONNECTION:The Contributor was given a gift or sample to inform this content.Published byJeff Gedgaud
I am a freelance writer honestly reviewing products I receive directly from manufacturers and marketing companies. Updates to my reviews can be found on my website  View profile

